Bask in the Sensuous


After our last post, It Just Popped Out, I’ve been basking, and reveling, in the sensuous. The sensuousness of Life. As I open to receive it, I see it is always here, whether or not I am aware of it. Yes, right now is a beautiful time of year. And, life is always serving up beauty, even if it isn’t the kind of beauty our minds desire.

As I was attempting to put into words what I could see out my window, I thought, “Why bother?! I’ll just video it.

So here is my first vlog. As you will see, I’m not on it. It’s too early in the morning. Besides, what I want to capture is what is out there in the early morning sunlight.

I hope you enjoy this. I’d love to hear what it inspires in you.

I’m currently updating this video. It will be online again soon.

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8 Replies to “Bask in the Sensuous”

  1. So beautiful, Julie. The imagery. The music. Your voice. Your heart.

    And your invitation: “let life make love to you.” I’ll be pondering that idea all day – and undoubtedly, beyond.

  2. what a beautiful setting for your beautiful words. or beautiful words for such a beautiful setting. either way – both – this is a gorgeous first vlog. very nicely done. i especially love the fitting ending: “go out and make love to life, and let it come in and make love to you.”


    ps: the SPIRAL? how fitting is that!

  3. Ronna – thank you. So glad you stopped by for a visit.

    Jeanne – yes, the Spiral. It is pretty fitting, eh? Thank you for your confidence boost. maybe next time I’ll show myself?!

    Love to you both.

  4. What a gorgeous view and I love the sentiments you’ve expressed. A delicious, centering treat to start my morning. Thank you!

  5. OHHHHHHH! “Go out and make love to life today. And..let it come in and make love to you.” wow…this is so touching.

    I’m grateful to our Jeanne for asking if I’d seen it (I hadn’t and I was just here!)–and now I’m looking above at the other comments and I see that she quoted just what I did–I didn’t copy – lol –

    I was touched particularly by you allowing the video to be whatever it was – not to pan the view or follow the bird or anything – just to let it be as it was…I aim to do lots more of THAT in my life. Which makes sense, doesnt’ it? We can’t make love to life or let life in to make love to us very well if we’re too busy – too distracted – too involved with anything other than the love-making…

  6. Emma, I’m so glad you enjoyed it! You are welcome.

    Karen, You so got what I was wanting to impart. Simply being with what is there, what is here in all moments. Just letting it soak into our hearts and our pores…soaking it all in, allowing it to fill us with its love. Yes, involved with nothing other than the love-making…

  7. True, life unfolds before you, and enfolds you, and you unfold and unfurl. Nature is a great teacher and comfort most of the time, if we could but appreciate the moment.

  8. Bill, yes, unfolds, enfolds, unfurl, it’s all happening in every moment. Lovely to read your comment. Thanks for stopping by.

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